The Android 18 of dragon ball He’s been one of the most prominent fighters in the entire franchise over the years, and now Japan’s most famous cosplayer shares his take on the famous fighter. Android 18 It made quite an impression on fans when it first debuted in the pages of its original manga dragon ball by Akira Toriyama all those years ago, and his popularity exploded further thanks to the success of the anime adaptation. A kind of cartoon. He has been a constant character since his debut in Android StoryAnd as a result fans paid homage to him in every possible way.
It is likely that dragon ball have big plans for Android 18 As the manga and anime franchise will continue into the future, it’s not hard to see why fans pay homage to it through art. This includes a new cosplay the same, who is one of the most recognized cosplayers in the world due to his large fan following overseas and in many regions of Japan. The artist presents his interpretation Android 18 of dragon ball to fans, and you can watch it in action below:
[কসপ্লে ফটো বুক ২য় কাজের ভূমিকা]
“Dragon Ball” / Android 18
6/21 (Wed.) Release “Enako Cosplayer2”
— Enako (@enako_cos) June 8, 2023
Its voting rights dragon ball Akira Toriyama will celebrate its 40th anniversary next year with a special art exhibition honoring Toriyama’s long-running series, but the series also has all sorts of areas. dragon ball Still very active. Although there is currently no anime adaptation dragon ball Ongoing (despite how much fans want Anem to make a full return), the manga of Dragon Ball Super Adapting the events of the recent film, the new chapter is revealing Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Through: joke book
Editor’s note: I think it’s time to make a top 10 Android 18 cosplay, or at least put them together for comparison.