Along with the Soundcore Space One, Anker will soon launch a new headset with a particularly powerful ANC. The new over-ear headphones should not only be technically attractive, but also attractive in terms of price.
Soundcore Space One, with Anchor I 31. August Turn on a new headset. The manufacturer probably needs a market launch About 100 euros For headphones, which can be found at both Anker Shop and other retailers. Additionally, there should be several color variants including black, beige and light blue. The official presentation is likely to take place as part of IFA 2023 in Berlin. The American Soundcore site Already advertising Space One.
So come here Two 40mm drivers Used to provide a clear sound. With the app, it is possible to adapt the playback to your own listening habits and preferences. There’s also active noise cancellation, which blocks out unwanted ambient noise. Anker is talking about one here Particularly strong reduction, which can block out 98 percent of all outside noise However, the noise reduction by how many dB is not stated.
There are also three microphones, which must ensure clear conversations with a special AI algorithm. In addition, the Space One features wearer identification and the ability to connect to multiple devices at the same time. Connectivity is maintained via multipoint. Battery life will last including 40 hrs Specific, where word Full 55 hours without ANC A five-minute charge should be enough to be able to listen to music for another four hours. LDAC is also supported.
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