Starfield It won’t be released until September 6th, but reviews for the game were out earlier yesterday Xbox Series X|S y pcwhich in turn reveals an initial score Metacritic For the game, however, this is the score from then on Metacritic A bit down and in the process, Starfield Its highest rated release is no more Xbox This year. Things move on, so it may change again, but usually its the score Metacritic They get worse over time, which means you’re less likely to regain this respect.
Right now, at the time of publication, Starfield inside Xbox Series X|S there is one 87 inside Metacritic. Meanwhile, the version for pc there is one 88. Those are very respectable scores, but they’re just below the combined score Hi-Fi Rushwhich has a 87 (Xbox Series X|S) and a 89 (pc) Interestingly, from both games BethesdaBut the first one is created by Bethesda Game Studiowhile from the second Tango Gameworks.
with your score, Starfield Seventh highest rated game Xbox Series X|S in 2023 and the 11th highest rated game pc In 2023. This includes all releases, not just games Xbox. To put these figures in a larger context, its earlier releases Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 4Got the score 84, 87 y 88Scores vary by platform.
This is in 2015. Four years ago, in 2011, The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimSecond most recent release Bethesda Game StudioGot the score 92, 94 y 96, again varying by platform. If these numbers mean anything, Starfield is more like Fallout 4 In terms of quality and impact compared Skyrim.
Read our review and check out our gameplay here at Atomix YouTube To give you an idea of what a Bethesda game is all about.
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Editor’s note: i didn’t play Starfield Still, but from what I’ve seen, I think it’s a game for the fans Fallout y The Elder Scrolls And I’m not sure if those kinds of games are still for me. However, I believe this is not an excuse to rate the title poorly, as some media are doing.