Starting in the 80’s, the Nintendo company practically established itself in a single market, that of video games, since they have been closed for years not to do movies, souvenir shops and more. However, things have changed in our world and now products are introduced that are beyond the standards we are used to.
Among the obvious examples we have the amusement park which was inaugurated in its section Universal StudiosBeing two in the world, in one Japan and in another America, which is worth saying, more countries will have them. The movie has joined him mario released this year, already has a sequel planned and will be an opening for more franchises in the future.
If this was not enough, the CEO Nintendo inside USA, Doug BowserSome statements mentioned The Washington Post Which indicates that they can become an entertainment company. Some may be similar to that The Pokemon CompanyIndulging yourself in more activities than just video games.
Here are the words Bowser:
We are actually evolving into an entertainment company with gaming at the core of the overall business model.
…if there is competition, it is asking ourselves: ‘How do we compete in people’s entertainment?’ We all have limited time. How do we create devices or platforms that are different and unique that people want to play, or do we create devices or platforms that are different and unique that people want to participate in? Because, in the end, that’s what matters to us: keeping people engaged, bringing people to our platforms, or our intellectual property through different media like movies or theme parks.
One of the first steps is to change focus Nintendo Mobile games have to be launched, which ironically have done very well with titles like this one Mario Kart Tour y Fire Symbol Heroes. Games that have not been abandoned since launch; Because their small transactions keep coming.
Through: i want to say
Editor’s note: It would be good for them to take this turn as a company, but not until video games are the company’s top priority. Just please don’t make pokemon company with worse and worse games.