It is expected that Counter-Strike 2 An unflattering teaser from developer Valve on Twitter will be released next week. In a tweet, the official development team Counter strike He asked what his followers would do next Wednesday, which would be September 27. Many believe that this confirms it Counter-Strike 2 will finally release on September 27, giving us just seven days to wait.
As for a release date, this is the most concrete clue we’ve had since Valve promised and then failed to deliver on a summer 2023 release window. Since the initial announcement, there is no news on when it will be released Counter-Strike 2, but this track surely confirms it. However, this valve And known for playing pranks, they famously don’t like to rush their releases, so don’t be surprised if you’re in big trouble over the next seven days. CS2 It doesn’t release until next week.
The timing is certainly interesting, the ESL Pro League, one of its biggest tournaments Counter strike In the world, which will be in its play-off phase at the time, the tournament is scheduled to end on October 1. The release will certainly take some focus away from the tournament, but the final matches are highly unlikely to be played on the new version. Counter-Strike 2 Of course, its massive update CS: Go which was published at the beginning of the year. Many new features have been released, from a completely redesigned smoke grenade to eliminate the tick system, to new visuals, movement and server rates.
All the main maps have been given a makeover, some even completely redesigned. Although technically it will be released as a free update CS: Go, CS2 It’s effectively a whole new game. Fortunately, all your skins and progress will carry over, and anyone will have access to it CS: Go It will continue to enjoy the same benefits it already has.
If you have played CS: Go Recently and you have an active matchmaking rank, it is very likely that you can already play CS2So it might be worth launching the game to see if it gives you the option to download the new version before the official release.
Its professional view CS Can be converted directly CS2 After the end of the ESL Pro League, the first major takes place in early 2024. The next few months will likely see a lot of disruption for the elite teams and we will see new top players emerge at the top of the scene.
Through: Forbes
Author’s Note: Excellent! Let’s see who plays like this assessment Now they start playing the main title: V