They boast countless imitation attempts, but this is how you distinguish genuine AirPods from fakes. Techniques and details to avoid mistakes.
General to special. No, it is not the text of iconic Greek culture, or the Italian review with Guicciardini, or the deductive method used by many scientists. It’s just a current event bigamy.
AirPods are the most sought after earphones in the world, in general, Boasting numerous attempts at imitation (especially in the second-hand market, or even online) and can be recognized by the details, the mark that distinguishes the original devices released by the Cupertino giant and not just anyone.
It seems like a joke, but it’s not at all. In many cases of purchase by users, before finding themselves with a fake, make sure to buy the original product. The problem, in general, is Which is apparently an almost exact copy, but we only notice it when we put them to our ears and hear sounds that are anything but performing. We must resort to detail.
Real signs that separate real AirPods from fakes. Here’s how to spot it
Let’s start with the packaging material: Apple always puts a plastic base that separates the pads from the instructions, if it’s cardboard, it will contain 99.9% fake AirPods. Weight is also a factor: Apple Gadgets 46.47g including earphone and case (MagSafe version), excluding box and accessories. AirPods Pro 2 weighs around 61.4 grams. AirPods Max weighs around 519.3 grams. Never buy ones you are going to buy on the second-hand market (for example), or from a private person, but do not meet these references: they will be similar but not the same.
Read carefully label: It is common for counterfeit products to contain typos, such as mentioning “ipadOS” instead of “iPadOS” or “ios” instead of “iOS”. Be careful, however, that the serial number doesn’t guarantee its authenticity: it’s a good idea to googling before buying to see if there are earlier references online.
It’s still: imperfect ending, how the case closes, the shape of the paper in the instructions, especially the pairing sound when you connect an iPhone: only if one is OK, not two. The sound mode rating is very important, it separates the original AirPods from the imitations. Even those similar to Apple devices. Also check if you can add them to the “Find” network: the authentic ones are automatically added to the “Where’s in” app in the “Devices” section, the others are not always. You can tell the real AirPods apart from these small details and you will never be fooled. Alternatives? Buy them from Apple.