The world of video games finds itself in a strange position, as reports have been made on nearly every major company in the industry recently Naughty Dog, Ubisoft And even Bungie, where somewhere they fired dozens of users who are currently looking for work. And now that things have apparently calmed down, it seems more companies are laying off their workers.
In a recent email, Amazon Games Confirmed that 180 people will leave the company due to certain closures that have been prepared, this is to recover certain costs. Prime Gaming, which includes free games and other issues. For this reason, excluding departments, it is clear that people will remain without jobs, since they are not transferred to other areas within the company.
Here are the comments in the email:
We’ve listened to our customers and know that offering free games every month is what they want most, so we’re refining our Prime benefit to increase our focus there.
Along with these changes to our business approach comes a change in our resources, resulting in the elimination of just over 180 roles.
I know this is difficult news and the impact will be felt widely. Saying goodbye to colleagues is never pleasant. This is not a decision the leadership team made quickly; It was the result of extensive consideration and a roadmap for our future.
We at Crown Channel are proud of the work the teams are doing to move into new areas with weekly content and find more ways to help publishers reach new audiences through game growth.
But after a more thorough assessment of our business, it became clear that we needed to focus our resources and efforts on delivering great games to players now and in the future.
All of this tells us that video game companies are looking for new ways to conserve as many resources as possible, and if that means putting people out of work, it’s clear that they’re not going to think about what will happen to those people. However, since this is Amazon, the point is clear that they must provide some kind of financial compensation and that is it America As per the law they are required to pay three months salary if they are on leave.
Through: VGC
Editor’s note: It’s a little sad that they do this, especially at a time when the December holidays and all those annual celebrations are coming up. I hope they find a job in time, but at least they will have monthly severance pay, so things won’t be that bad for them.