A few months back, some very interesting news was shared for the fans star warsDisney officials have confirmed a movie in the name Mandalorian and Grogu, a film that will follow the characters from the successful series launched for the Mouse streaming platform Only now the production scale will go further, since the budget for such productions is usually higher, and that means more special effects and even a better realized story.
Although the announcement was received with enthusiasm, there was something missing that many have doubts about, and that is its release date, because let’s not forget that Star Saga has a lot of content on the way and it will be released earlier. Everything is announced later. And now, a new version is ahead CinemaconIt has been confirmed that users can expect the action and science fiction film to hit theaters worldwide on May 22.
Some of that attention is drawn by that later film A vengeful personwhich initially bears the name Kang Dynasty, But that had to change due to layoffs Jonathan Majors for his legal problems. Even with that, they’re not really competing against anyone, after all it’s the same company we’re talking about, and might as well be aiming for two blockbusters within weeks of each other.
its filming Mandalorian and Grogu Will start in June California And will last a few months until the beginning of fall. It is not yet known who will return to the film, with Pedro Pascal as the voice of the main character and Brendan Owen / Latif Crowder as the stuntman. Giancarlo Esposito All the interviews he’s done have pressured him to come back, but that certainly doesn’t mean anything, come back Katie Sackhoff, But it is not confirmed yet.
Here is a description of the franchise: