Since it was launched and then sold meta, the WhatsApp platform has become the most popular messaging service in recent years, since it is very easy to add contacts to be able to talk to them in the easiest way possible, through classic text or even a video call. And this leads us to the fact that it does not stop evolving and there are even options that are slightly similar to what is included. Telegram or Slack.
A new blog entry states that users Mexico They will be able to create events, where other contacts can respond to confirm their attendance, or not, and guests will receive a notification when the event date approaches, similar to what you already have. Facebook or until Google Meets. The events mentioned above will be grouped on the group information page, which will always be set as a reminder.
Another new feature is feedback in threads. These responses to notice groups are designed so that admins can communicate with people, but maintain order in the groups, or at least that’s what’s implied. These responses will be grouped together, so members can find what happened in the right context.
Dates haven’t been given yet, but they said on the blog that over the next few months users will be able to notice the changes as downloadable updates roll out.
Here is its description WhatsApp:
It is an instant messaging application for smartphones and other mobile devices. It was developed by WhatsApp Inc., a company based in California, United States, and was acquired by Facebook in 2014. The application allows users to send text messages, images, videos, documents and make voice and video calls through an Internet connection , via mobile data or Wi-Fi.
WhatsApp has become extremely popular around the world due to its ease of use, ability to work on various mobile platforms and its wide range of features.
For now, we will have to wait a little longer to be able to organize these functions.
Through: WhatsApp
Author’s Note: The truth is, I don’t care about these new functions, but I imagine they will be very useful for work groups that organize meetings or other events.