For your security on WhatsApp, there are three features that you need to enable today or else you run a very serious risk.
from the beginning, WhatsApp developer team He made many bet decisions On the security of your service. And it cannot be otherwise, given how much users use meta messaging platforms every day, exchanging millions of data that should not under any circumstances end up in the hands of hackers and cybercriminals. So if you don’t know it yet, there are some useful features to enable now.
which is added The system is already in service. Such as end-to-end encryption, which ensures that messages exchanged in your private chat or in a group are not accessible to other people and are not stored on the Mater servers. Today we talk to you Three features in particular Additions for your safety that you should never do without. This way you will add an additional lock to all your data, which will be yours alone and not accessible to other people.
In WhatsApp, three security functions are now enabled
There is especially Three WhatsApp functions If you want to take your security to a higher level, you should think about activating it today and never fear that someone might inadvertently have access to all the sensitive and personal information you’ve shared in a chat with a friend, relative or colleague.
First, you need to open the app and then click on the three dots on the top right. At this point click on Settings and then Access Account. Among the various items, the one that interests you Email address. Click on it and immediately enter your email, so that anyone can access your account You will be notified by email immediately And you can block everything in some time.
Another useful feature to activate can always be found in settings, but this time by clicking on privacy. It should pop up with the latest update App Lock feature. Which is nothing but one Next step to access WhatsApp through fingerprint. Record it in a few seconds by placing your finger on the screen and you’re done.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what everyone should already have enabled. If you haven’t done it yet, don’t worry because just a few steps are enough. You need to go to Settings, Accounts and then Two-step verificationThe. By doing this, it will be sent to you for access A unique code through SMS The dedicated page will be inserted within a specified period. If there is a possible remote intrusion by other people, they won’t be able to do anything because they will need the code that only you got on your phone number.