During the publication last week, Dr Switch 2 Some console related leaks have been confirmed to us, these from the second port for USB-C, the larger screen size, the Joy Con with buttons and extras, and of course, the software backwards compatibility. This is something that has eased users’ worries and the company recently mentioned why they chose that path.
was considered by backward compatibility Nintendo As a key aspect in the development of your device. According to a company representative, the decision was made based on the huge user base of the current console. “A lot of consumers play Nintendo Switch, and we decided that the best way for consumers to be able to run the software they’ve already purchased is on the successor,” he said.
Besides, Switch 2 Not only will it support previous-generation games, but it will also have an exclusive catalog of titles designed to make the most of its advanced hardware. This approach ensures that users can enjoy their favorite games without interruption, while also accessing new experiences, many of which will be exclusive, leading to many moving to new ones.
Backward compatibility promises to be a major selling point Switch 2Provides a fluid transition to players and reinforces consistency in content offerings within the ecosystem Nintendo. In addition, some games are preferred Metroid Prime 4 Beyond They’ve already been promised, so switching platforms in a focal way wouldn’t be a good idea for those who got their first consoles at Christmas 2024.
We have to wait April 2nd For more information about the console.
Through: Go Nintendo