An absolute fancy has come from the United States, which has already created opposition reactions: Operators of different App Store will be forced to verify the age of users and if they are minor, they will seek parents’ permission to download the applications.
When in telephone comesAmong the many things of emerging, one of the most importantly is one of the most polarizations: Use of smartphones for minors. In this case the lines of thought are different, those who think that the use should be clearly banned to avoid all kinds of problems; Those who think that it would be okay to introduce the younger to the smartphone; Those who still consider the lowest they learn to do the best use of these devices and everything involved in them.
Such as often occur Social issues so and heard, The result is to bring the problem to the spotlight of politics and the law spotlight, two great forces that indicate the line of following in every state of positive law. And just Is a new line, to follow Who came out In the United States, Utah Must be precise and which represents an apocalypse turning point in the relationship between minors and technology.
There are no apps if the mother does not want: the new law discusses you
Mentioned at the time of opening, A new law has been promoted in Utta, An American state. This is an arrangement designed to confirm it Minors, cannot download apps from different App Store (Apple or Google who), without the direct permission of the parents; The directors of the App Store will be obliged to their part Check the age In each new account that will try the apps of the app.

Measured, called App Store Accountability ActOriginally moved over two tracks: the first concern Respect for privacyAllows children not to lose their data in third -party harmful applications; Second, concern Any financial distributionThat specific applications can be involved and from now on they need permission from at least one parent.
Similar arrangements, have been proposed for years However, it has never been able to get the results of this national concrete in the United States. Often it found itself in reality, in a situation where political proposal came Then the courts of different states rejected. First, to celebrate what is seen as a big step, not only the parents’ unions, who will be able to rely on more control equipment but also representatives of the technology world.
In fact, he didn’t go long to come, Meta, Snap’s joint press release E X Which, through various spokesperson, appreciates this step, asks for a similar decision for a joint law from the US Congress. On the other hand, some political expanders and judiciary, criticizing this move, seeing it as harmful to the first amendment tells them, tells them Another method for collecting and catalogs of data.