Google develops a full -fledged desktop mode called “Desktop View” for Android 16, which is intended to significantly extend the effectiveness of Android smartphones. The function discovered in Beta 3 is not only enabled the screen mirring, but also enables both a real desktop extension on the device and external display. We want to do it for ages and also have signs that work on it.
Android-expert Mishl Rahman Found in the beta version The new developer options that distinguish between two modes: Desktop Views include free mouse pointer movements as well as text shapes, icons display and refresh rates for external external display or additional devices.
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However, the system is still in the early stages of development. Important elements such as desktop or adapted launchers are still missing, which are still complicated with the mouse and keyboard. The function is first controlled by the developer options.
With the “Desktop View” Google wants to create alternatives to the Samsung-established Dex system and create Android devices, especially Pixel smartphones. So far, most Android devices do not have this national desktop effectiveness. The full implementation is expected to take place slowly with updates with Android 16 or Cable Android 17.
Google responds to the growing trend of use of smartphones as full -flared job equipment. The powerful hardware of modern Android phones has long provided all prerequisites that the software is finally being followed. I think really well.