Fake Android notifications – first Google, then Microsoft affected

Thanks to Craig Jones, Director of Information Security at Sophos, and the Sophos Security Team
for their behind-the-scenes work on this article.


If you’re a Google Android user, you may have been pestered over the past week by popup notifications that you didn’t expect and certainly didn’t want.

The first mainstream victim seems to have been Google’s own Hangouts app.

Users all over the world, and therefore at all times of day (many users complained of being woken up unnecessarily), received spammy looking messages like this:

The messages didn’t contain any suggested links or demand any action from the recipient, so there was no obvious cybercriminal intent.

Indeed, the messages did indeed look like some sort of test – but by whom, and for what purpose?

The four exclamation points suggested someone of a hackerish persuasion – perhaps some sort of overcooked “proof of concept” (PoC) aimed at making a point, sent out by someone who lacked the social grace or the legalistic sensitivity of knowing when to stop.