Hosted by Jesse Kirshbaum and in partnership with Triller, Beats, Bytes, and Brands is a show exploring the future of music marketing and how innovations in social media and shifts in consumer behavior are reshaping how music is made, consumed, and shared and how brands will need a music strategy to ensure they keep pace with culture.
As Triller continues to grow in popularity, there is an opportunity for brands to reach a highly sought after demographic and engage with a bustling social video community where you can show the world who you are by capturing flawless videos and sharing them in seconds.
“Music is an undervalued asset when it comes to marketing products and embedding them in culture,” said Kirshbaum. “With Beats, Bytes, and Brands we are giving you a weekly master class, featuring various experts in this specific field, discussing current trends, best practices, key learnings, and how best your brand can utilize music as a marketing vehicle.”
The series brings together leaders in music, technology, and marketing, including Bough, Fabrice Sergent, the founder of Bandsintown, Tuma Basa, the Head of Black Music at YouTube, and Raphi Lima, head of Global Music Partnerships and Marketing at Electronic Arts.
Each episode of season one dives into relevant topics such as playlist culture, music in gaming, the do’s and don’ts of artists partnerships, and more. Viewers are invited to put their finger on the pulse of what’s hot and relevant to both brand marketers and culture at large
The eight episodes include:
- EP1: Music Marketing with Jesus Malverde Gonzalez
- EP2: Crafting a Music Strategy with Anthony Demby
- EP3: State of the Livestream Business with Fabrice Sergent
- EP4: Power of Music with Aubrey Marcus
- EP5: Creativity and The Power of Playlists with Tuma Basa
- EP6: Artist Partnerships with Louis Colon III
- EP7: Music X Gaming with Raphaella Lima
- EP8: Supporting Emerging Indie Artists with Andrew Keller
You can watch all eight episodes for free on SMW+, our streaming platform for marketers who are looking to level up in their careers, thanks to the support of Trille and Beats and Bytes.