Thanks to all the information from the tipster IceUniverse, we have got an assortment of what the Samsung Galaxy S23 looks like.
Dopo una lunga attesa, ormai ci siamo. Find out more and Samsung will officially launch its new flagship. Cèè grande attesa intorno alla gamma Galaxy S22 That, after the two rumors and announcements, is about to show all its beauty.
Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! Securely Samsung station, but also tipster and dataminer. Nelle scorse ore, infatti, l’Esperto IceUniverse ha già fatto uscire le priisime informasioni merito a quello che potrebbe essere il Samsung Galaxy S23. Nulla ancora di securo, oviamente.
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Samsung Galaxy S23 has changed everything: it can be similar to Huawei P40 Pro
The S22 Ultra has a dual-curved screen design, which makes it impossible to achieve a 4-sided equal-width design. But if the Quad-curved design is used, this problem can be solved very well. It’s too early to talk about the S23, I hope this news is true.
– Ice universe (niUniverseIce) February 3, 2022
Stand by all the information from the new tipster IceUniverse, il Samsung Galaxy S23 potrebbe essere simile al Huawei P40 Pro a livello di design. One of the few things that can make the difference: the display. I rumor parlano di un Curve the panel to the tutti and quatro i lati, One of the most important models in the world is a set of rules. And if the treatment is evident from the news with the pinnacle, considering how much time it takes to find the lancio of the gamma in question.
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Inside this is the fact that Samsung has shown its ability to project a panel of ubiquitous larvae on its trunk and quadruple. A great fan, to guarantee the “sorpasso” Respect to P40 Pro. The smartphone from Huawei, infatuated, does not automatically curve all and sundry. Not to be outdone is the fact that Samsung has confirmed the arrival of the official part of Samsung. Find out more about making more predictions, and we’re confident that the process will be annoyingly spontaneous with the information added to the Galaxy S23 series.