The Seven Deadly Sins è One of the manga / anime di maggior successo degli ultimati anni ed è particolarmente apprezato grazie al suo cast di personaggi carismatici e accattivanti, il che ha dato vita a vari film, il manga sequel The Four Knight of Apocalypse and video tie-in, come l’ambizioso The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin. The only thing we can do is propel it cosplay di dianegigantessa dei Sette Peccati Capitali, realizato da xerora ren.
Diane è a descendant of the clan de giganti and a member of Sette Peccati Capitali sotto the commando of Meliodas and represented the Peccato d’invidia, but in opposition to a caratere social and multi-altruist. The data of their status è the data of the great forza and the manipulation of the terra to its perception.
The cosplay realizes Xerora ren è davvero ottima fattura e fedele alla controparte originale. Come pottery vedere negli scatti qui sotto, the costume and the identification is practically identical to that of the Diane origin and is a great cura to detaglium, as the espionage of the serpent in the form of the symbolic peacock. And not only that, but also Martello Gideon, the Tesoro Sacro della Gigantessa. The location is beautiful for those who want a little more and there are a lot of carats in the cosplay with the guasta mai.
If we were fans of Nakaba Suzuki we would even recommend the cosplay of Elizabeth of Shirosaki to the camera of Boar Hat.
Who doesn’t like Diane’s The Seven Deadly Sins firmato xerora ren?