The “solitao” WABetaInfo has made important new interactions on WhatsApp Beta for iOS, with some functions to revive the management of groups
WhatsApp This ultimatum and preparatory in Vista dell’s generalization on one of the most important new portals of the avant-garde sviluppatori of the popular messaging app. The refreshments and all the funky fun “Community“, For the quail of“ solito ” WABetaInfo has shared the latest scooty in ultimate beta WhatsApp for iOS (la versione e suggellati da alcune screenshot reipilogative.
Come forci si saprà, la Function Community on WhatsApp permetterà di Reunion all groups in which it is possible to increase the age of the controller of the three stages: reunion and grouping with a unique band, if it is not possible, all the possible possibilities of chatting in a unique position. This is definitely the first time I’ve read this article since the first time I read this article: spread a single message The best in groups or in all groups, other than in a general control and a very fast management and certification of the conversions in these stages. Supports the first-of-its-kind utility for the group of administrators who, with a single message, talk and espionage even if they write the rules of maintenance, to inform them of a specific arrangement.
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WhatsApp Function Community
Come talk to WABetaInfo, è importantly you need that function Community non trasforma WhatsApp in a social network nel social network. Here at another terminus, è una vera e propria chat group, and in how many talents remain a primarily accessible article written in groups (and not altri) with the emancipable guarantee of end-to-end criticism. This is a very important part of the treaty to remind and avoid confusion.
For evidences even just visually Communitygli sviluppatori hanno inteso modificare il layout The associates with the medieval function, combining the aspect ratio: quadrato with i bordi arrotondati, anziké il “classico” tondo. But even though some elements of the group are coming together as we come to know, come and understand it. name and description.
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More interesting è an ultra-fun functionality of WABetaInfo in an apocalyptic screenshot: if group treats ”Announcement“, Present the fatto with the latest WhatsApp for iOS. In this scenario, the moderation of the group administrators, which could inevitably anonymize (which applies to the term) in the modo automatic and group groups, is possible. If you do not know what to do, modify it in the Sviluppo section, treat your newcomer to save all beta versions. We look forward to seeing more and more of the stable in the prospect.