One of the most common problems in relation to the smartphone is that the duration of the battery. Easy mode to use the magnifier and render more efficiently.
Many times, the motivation to change our smartphone is to get the battery from the battery. But when we acquire A device with more than 4000 mAhin time, the tense tends to change.
All, just fantastic: super batteria, The car turned out to be about 30 or more feet, even a phone call from your phone. Give me a message from Alcuni Mesi, give us an annoying circus, you will find that the richer the request, the more respectful it is. This is the least of all the batteries, even the most potent and the best quality, First of all, fanno a brutta fine.
Fino to some annoying, the maggie part of the smartphone erano dotati di batteria removibile. The perimeter of the system with a new, ridiculous thing a new life in cellular. However, there is more to it than meets the eye the smartphone adesere sostituito.
Tuttavia, ci sono alcuni trucchetti che possono far durare di più la batteriaprolonging the life of our palm trees.
Here are 8 tricks that make up the duration of the battery
Even if we don’t say ammetterlo, We all depend on our smartphone e, se batteria si esaurisce all’improvviso, andi ni nel panico. Grazie ad alcuni consigli, I can only imagine how inconvenient it is:
- Respecting and priming cellulars, we appreciate the perfection that modern apparatus has implanted in its constant activity. Prima fra tutte è la geolocalizzazione. No prerequisites, not all the app needed GPS always active; We have, in fact, been able to install the software that we installed. Pertanto, conviene Disable all single applications or when not using the stem.
- The same thing happens with con le activated in the background. For the most part, your Android is supported by iOS “Batteria” dove è possibile monitor which app is now functionally in the background and disabling.
- Alto consumes the luminosity of the scorpion. Innanzitutto, è consigliable attivare l’auto-brightness, of course, the automatic regulation of luminosity at the base of the ambient lord: riderr even laffaffament of the vista. The ultimate generator model is also permetono di Setting up an active luminosity almond, which will make the phone ring when the phone is ringing. In other words, it is better to impose it timeout on the surface of the sky a 15 second, almeno, prima di andare a letto.
- The funniest activities we’ve always had Rete Datiwhich can tranquillante disattivare When we talk about a Wi-Fi. This story is for you Bluetooth: If we spend a lot of gadgets or not on the smartphone, just indicate disattivarlo.
- Non dimentichiamo le notifiche! Special, for any app, does not have to be attive. Why come? sincronizzazione delle e-mail: If we know more about a post, because it is more important, we will settle a frequent aggravation of one or two.
- I want to use the free app in public for the sake of energy and energy consumption: è Anche i video Presenting your social network consumed a lot, thanks to what you are introducing. Modal autoplay senza sonoro. For example, with a single app, it is possible to disassemble this function.
- Non tutti sanno che The vibration consumes more energy of the sunoneria, followed by a small motor that runs a scoop on the telephone. Converts to disable notified oppress silences.
- Sembra strano ma multi utenti non utilizano ancora i PowerBank. Appropriately, in commerce, this is not the best tip and the best: è Easy to make good quality products. The PowerBank is just like that What a wonderful way to screw people over. The more potential, the more consent we have due to ricarica.
Cosa non fare
At this point, it is necessary sfatare alcuni falsi miti.
- Diversamente da ciò che crediamo, chiudere tutte le app aperte do not leave the battery console.
- When the battery is scar which is completely scarce, è meglio not far from the telephonebut looking for metric in carica prima possible.
- Please don’t use the smartphone if you are looking for it, buy it Survival of the fittest and the development of batteries.