The hackers and the hackers of digitization have been killed: their crime and crime has been traced back to the web and from the day the clones were sold to the credit card for the first time, the violations of the privacy of our cyberbite events. Here is the study of Ipsos studio.
On the occasion of the editing of the dictionary Safer Internet Dayil magazine online Changes Unipol ha reso nota una ricaraca elaborata dal gruppo Ipsos sulle digitized violations That magnificent vengeance of the lungs of Stivale, analyzing a national campaign of compression compares to the day. 16 e 74 anni.
The criminal e-mails like the magical perception of the furto d ‘identitàIn the second test, 64% of the interstices, the clonazione della credit cardal 59%, il cyberbullismoal 49%, and the violations of della privacyal 45%.
Assai grave even the perception preserved to furto ed all utilizing the photography of children for different motives or reciprocal pedophilia, Considering 44% of the content on the coinvolti come crimine ricorrente.
The city of Italy has more collusion with cyber-attachhi
Studio evidenzia that the media in the Italian metropolitan city of Utopia colpiti dagli attacchi è pari al 23% del campione coinvolto, ovvero di quasi a navigator on 4with picchi che raggiungono il 30% in the city of Firenze.
Sono proprio i fiorentiniinfatti, a result of more and more vessels, and gli attachhi si ripartiscono per la maggior parte tra gli utenti della fascia di età 16-26 anni, seguita dalle fascie 27-40, 41-56 ed infine i cosiddetti “Baby Boomers”Tra i 57 ed and 74 anni di età.
Not only this, but also the city Torinodove gli attacchi sono ripartiti nello stesso modo di Firenze e del resto d’atalia, con il 15% It suits us to be personally subjected to violations or even to a member of the proprietary nucleus family.
Generation Z and Millennials are more colloquial
E ‘dunque la fascia d’età dei giovani e dei giovani adulti16 and 40 years ago, the results were very high esposta not at all colpita This type of fraudulent activity perpetrates on the web.
After all, the intervening team has announced the application of several methods of protection from various models of modeling.fai-da-te”, Esempio fornendo solo data personi obbligatori e limitando o non divulgando affto immagini di minori.
It ‘s amazing, tutavia, tanto che l’infrastruttura informatica del nostro Paese investa con semper maggior vigore sull’implementatione di sistemi di sicurezzahow much is family and school is not easy to investdigital education of children and adolescents. Nonetheless, all occasions, the signals temporarily violated by Polizia Postale ed agli organi competenti.