Tencent has made this offer an important one, acquiring the most evolutionary specialties that now love the titles incredibly well.
Ormai si parla semper meno di console war, mentre la “Guerra all acquisitions” The best possible description for potter would be to discover the situation that is still there for the videoludic industry. The far chamber completely completes the logic of the merchant è the status quo dubbio Xboxwho then acquires his colosso ZeniMaxor the lava flows to complete completeness even the titanium assurance Activision-Blizzardwhich should be the official solvent in the state 2023.
Ebbene in questa guerra tra titani, con Playstation che ha risposto acquisendo Bungiethere will be an infinite number of rumors and rumors as to how the operation will resonate in the Xbox, a post that really resonates Tencent. There is a great deal about the Chinese who keep their titles in the world of imports, which are known only to millions and millions of people. Ebbene also found that Tencent was moving in an aggressive mode of international scrutiny, with an unexplained story.
Tencent acquires altri gruppi di sviluppatori
Con una mossa a surpresa, infatti, Tencent ha annunciato di aver acquires the group 1CE. A name that is not very important, but the point is that it is very important to keep in mind that there are many important groups in the civilizations, which are very important for the realization of the most important titles of the family.
This is what we call the animators in Alcune Cutscene Cyberpunk 2077one of the hopes of maggiori pregio dell’intera produzione which has become extremely problematic and that presto potrebbe torn and aggregators with a new and incredible function.
And then there’s the snooze of the snoopers who love to confess. Dark Souls Remastered, and not alone. Sono reuniti ora sotto Tencent le mani esperte hanno sviluppato titoli importanti come Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition, Ni No Kuni e il porting di Cyberpunk 2077 per Stadia.