In the latest update to iOS 15.4, the latest update related to Apple’s iPhone campaign, the possibility of registering Green Pass directly on Apple Wallet.
iOS 15.4, for the sake of an update ricco diwità sotto il profilo della convivenza con la pandemia. With the help of this algorithm, the scanner of our wallet turned on, far away from the iPhone and even with the help of mascara, one of the ultra-new features that far appeals to Apple devices. Parliamo di Green Pass – The certification that attests to the status of vaccines and / or guarantees from COVID-19.
In this ultimate mesi we will distract the images from the gallery, the latest partitions and the astronomical methods for rendering more agile agronomists that will show you what to look for. legitimate richiesto. Ora, grazie all’update 15.4 on iOSè Possible registrar of proprietary certifications Directly in Apple Wallet – Your iPhone is your Apple Watch.
First pass: inquiries the QR-Code
Anxiety is necessary to inquire with the photo camera of iPhone (which is posterior, evidentially) QR-Code del Green Pass. It is possible to stamp or inquire directly from a computer, on a tablet or on a different telephone, iPhone or Android.
Second pass: click on the link
The second pass – una volta inquired with the photo camera the QR Code – Click on the link which will generate immunity. Verremo indirizzati in una nuova scheda in cui ci verrà chiesto di Add Green Pass to Wallet and Salute your iPhone. Tap sul tasto blu in fondo (Aggieungi a wallet e salute) e il gioco è fatto.
Next pass: add to wallet
The last and ultimate passage came to a halt in a scheda, dove vengono mostrati tutti i dati. There is a control that everything comes together in perfection, the Green Pass Automatically adjusts the digital portfolio of Apple. Credit / banknotes, big cinema, aerodynamics and quantum, live and present even the Green Pass (che, curiosity, apparel rosso).
Once you register the Green Pass on your iPhone wallet, this will be done automatically sincronizzato tutti i dispositivi in nostro possesso – Which potentially even Apple Watch. To get started, just click on the last post next to your disposal – this is your iPhone or Watch.
Privacy and security: the data is always secure
Come always the new conferences of the day sicurezza e della privacy, when it comes to Apple, è ultra ogni limit. The basic premise is that all data and sanitary data are secured with cryptographic code with protection code – TouchID o FaceID, relatively smooth with digitally enhanced and with 3D 3D radio. The data is not visible to the holder of the biometric registry with no disposable data.