This is a new image app on the web that wants to be a cellular device for Samsung asai promoter, and forcible revolution. What is the main innovation that port the smartphone? Let’s find out now from scratch
Come on, let’s get down to business, Samsung The goal for perfection in this category smartphone pieghevoli. Infatti, ci recordi tutti quanti che il primitiso fondable 3 firmato Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions. in futuro.
A tal proposito, pare che Samsung abbia in mente di lanciarne There is nothing else that can only be one sorta di evoluzione di quelli già esistentima pare che possa offrire pure delle caratteristiche migliori se messe a confronto con i fondable attuali della società. But attenuation: let’s analyze this dispositive per giungere a delle conclusioni come si deve.
The description of the telephone
Second Ice Universecioè il noto leaker If you have time to publish immagini interessanti To be sure, there is always a foldable folder in Samsung that arrives this way too. Galaxy Z Fold 4 e Galaxy Z Flipwith a name in the code that reads “Diamond“. Sul suo profilo Twitter, In other words, we have more a photo that ritually alguni dirigenti Samsung e soprattutto un misterioso dispositive.
Comunque, tenendo conto della recostruzione dell’uomo, si tratterebbe propriamentme di quel cellular. The scatter is not mette to be disposed of grandi dettaglibecause we can say that the design includes a total integration with the cellular top di gamma di Samsung. Tuttavia, the three-dimensional note that sugar cane potrebbe treats un rollable more than one pieghevole per how are we doing now? In the first place, save the first smartphone con schermo arrotolabile Targato Samsung.
At the base of the quail we perceive the moment, the concept dei rollable ic Securely affascinante. We know that we have always been good at it, but we have already seen it. fusione tra l’aspetto e la forma The traditional smartphone with la Flexible dei foldableand how the capacitance of the suffocating all-encompassing one superficie del display espansathanks so much to the panel of scorrere e aumentare la diagonale. We do not know when the potter will make us happy dispositivebut in one thing we say: reuscirà a superare tutti i fondable silasciati sino ad adesso.