Videorecension with your Ascent, isometric video that is available on PS4 and PS5. Here is our opinion.
The Ascent Catapult the videographer in one vero and proprietor sprawl I remember writing about a book in Phil K. Dick. The world is dominated by the world megacorporazioni che, sostituitesi ad ogni rappresentanza politica, sociale e religiosa, given that contemporaneously everything that we do and the motive for which we are not yet a millionaire. The schizophrenia, which appeals to all aziyendes and who passes by a couple of cyclones in a lavora in an incubation of neon, accusio and immondia, domandandosi se non sia meglio la morte.
In the world of gioco n ben curato, the ambitions are their affinity and they are their impressions. From the beginning to the end of the day Neon Giant è tutt’altro che un gigante: sono solo 12 le persone ad aver lavorato this questolo. And if you can’t, you won’t have any.
Il Feedback aptico del DualSense è di buon livello e aiuta ad immedesimarsi durante le fasi di esplorazioni e soprattutto nelle continue sparatorie che dovremo affrontare. Black humor and mentality can create dialogues all over the place, with missionary primaries and second-rate introspection, but without representing the vera forza of video, which è GDR solitaire in minimal part.
Spara, spara, SPARA!
The Ascent è Supports an isometric shooter that diverts parechchio. The same thing applies with narcissism, because it is so charitable and possibly possesses potential to destroy. The gameplay is frenetic but quasi-confusing and punitive. The feedback from the boca da fucoco is precise and potent, restoring the sensation star davvero sputando tunnellate di piombo Controlling the nemesis of the sbukano dappertutto.
The potential of the potter abbassarsi e sparare da un riparo In a very fast and intuitive way, it is possible to disassemble the diets in order to cope with the bass and nemesis. Peccato che It is not possible to get a position right Fatto, anzi, penalizes the giocatorer, who would have given the colpito and piedi nemici senza poter responses to fuco. The army is infamous even with its elemental and sonorous effects against certain types of nemesis, spindendi to constantly change the approach at the base of the situation.
A rendere tutto more interesting sono i Ciberneti potenziamentias a pugno potionziato vi vi permette di scaraventare il nemico lontanissimo, infliggendo danni enormi e permetendo di liberarci da situazioni troppo affollate.
La Creation of personality è continua and appagante, with its potential to radically change the experience of gioco and regulano great soddisfazioni.
Focus on the future
The Ascent ha un buon comparto sonoro, with the music that accompanies the perfection of the giocator at the base of the situation. Si passa velocemente da una malinconica base punk ad una rumorosa Dubstep sectionwith music Night Club and divergent spezzoni Muzak in ascensore.
Il grande codex and all the guide messages and displays of the perplexing permutations of compliant meglio the world-famous circus and adfondire un po ‘la lore di The Ascent, with its many variegated, gang and creatures that are popular. Veles.
Buona la duratawhich if attesta sulle 25 or even the second complete complement to the second mission che troverete vagando per la mappa. At the moment the rigidity is too much, but the swallows will be able to express in the future, support for the game +. I appreciate the possibility of live adventure in the company not only online, but also with schermo condivisothere is always a story in this time.
I defy The Ascent
How much will be lost and we will not be able to overcome it the map to the first post. Glimpses of a coincidence have been added to a comodo system in the game that guides the giocator versus the obedient process, and is fundamentally. To provide orientation with gioco mappa is simply an incubation. Securely a stylish style, but it is not possible to apprehend any mod.
How much will we lose if we do not give up? The story is not memorable e Difficult to remember The Ascent per person. The more probable it is to think about the gameplay.
Ultra nota negative totale assenza della lingua italiana. The more idiosyncrasies, like the spaghetti and the franchise, the less quantitatively present statutes, the only English in parliament, the whole Italian. We hope that in the future Neon Giant will have more considerations than its own.
The Ascent is a gioco vero and proprietor, with a solid gameplay and vecchia scull. Dopo Xbox and PC, the title arrives on the PlayStation from March 24 for around 30 euros, a caravan that has consistently made a great deal of experience with the Piccolo team of Neon Giant, which we can enjoy without much hassle. For all these motivations to give The Ascent an 8, considering the same day one, considering all the patches and the present present in the latest version of the PlayStation game. Which is an exclusive Playstation.
- Divertente, semplice e diretto
- Ottimo feeling generale
- Ambient curation
- Live the different ben bilanciato
- Manca qualcosa alla storia principale
- Niente italiano