Google has officially announced the launch of an important function on YouTube for iOS, in order to generalize the relationship.
Senza troppi giri di parole e quasi in modo del tutto inaspatto, Google Decides to test one of the functionalities in the actual test part of the utility tools. YouTube for iOS: il supporto alla modalit picture-in-picture. In this case, remember that Big G abbot decides to make it an important option in its multimedia reproducible app, impressive content. In reality it is not, and we give it away.
Come forci si saprà, la Modalit picture-in-picture on YouTube on iOS was disponibile da quasi un anno come Functionality sperimentally per gli abbonati YouTube Premium, even after entering the status of iOS 14. A prophetic passage in a non-traditional relationship is stable, but also generalized. The fact that Google has removed this option from the Internet of Things app for iPhone and iPad and which users are not really interested in grading (albeit for the moment), means a simple question: the test period is about to come to a conclusion. si è in attesa che il PiP (così viene chiamata la modalità picture-in-picture) possa fare appro su YouTube for all.
PiP on YouTube for iOS: a quando il rilascio?
Come spiegato da 9To5Google,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The function that you are proving is disability”. How much, if anything, modalities seem to be available for the most popular YouTube Premium that has been developed to provide the first PiP that Google decides to remove from its app. Which, of course, is the first case that refreshes users who have not yet achieved the modified picture-in-picture YouTube for iOS; Apparently, we found out that all the apples that have not yet come have been declared functionally functional all the way through the application of malgrade to the face of the test. However, this is not always the case with the PiP sull app, which does not involve access to any modalities, albeit sharing with others.
What is the best address? Premesso che YouTube let them implement the functionality – and their traces are made by their official functionality Modified picture-in-picture on YouTube for iOS – è Probably the most important attendees of the Big G part of the new process or the new system. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! nell’app iOS on YouTube TV sembra confermare questo sentore. Don’t be afraid to ask for help immediately.