A new message has signaled that la Gen Z. (i nati tra il 1997 e il 2012) non è particolarmente interessata al metaverso e alla VR. Pochi possi degli headset e ankora meno hanno intenzion di acquistare un visor. Multi, però, si considerano dei “videogiocatori”.
Second is the search for Piper Sandler, the 26% of people who have an interest device VRHowever, this is only 5% of us quotidian, while 48% of us use “ramantically”. Initially, I realized that I would not be able to do that, only the 9% è certification would buy one.
It also indicates that 68% of those involved are auto-identifiable as “videogiocatore“. Meta, the company on Facebook and Instagram, can find out how spirits meta videoludic products, supported by Horizon Worlds, who are always looking for ways to monitor and purchase proprietary content.
The situation mig “Migraine” to count how much cryptovalute: The 87% of people who have recently received a parlari and the 11% who are part of the transaction. More than 7,000 people from 44 states are currently searching for this and the media is 16 years old.
Vi è poi una second search (based on 4.000 adults) The Morning Consult, the most popular of which met Millennials (1980 – 1996) adults and met Gen Z adults are “one po ‘interest” metaverso, mean one po meno meto sono interest Horizon Worlds e Horizon Workroom, the first business meeting in VR.
Because we consider that in this search, the terms “metaverso” and “VR” are spice fusi, but they are also products. Roblox e Fortnite che, pur senza essere in realtà virtuale, sono considerati dei metaversi. The term is not always used in modal mode.
The metavers are not only a videoludic idea or legacy of exclusively digital media: Infatti, Sony and Manchester City are constantly building a studio in Metaverso.