Attract a post from his profile on Twitter, Margaret Vestager exposes the dominant position of Apple Pay by accepting all other contactless apps on iOS
L ‘Antitrust UE The point is to control the data Apple. This does not include the dominant position of the app store and the sideloading themes, or the center of the diversion from time to time, which allows the web to integrate totally and preferably to maintain all invitations for contact. The gaggle of contendable riguarda stavolta Apple Paythe platform for contactless swipes from Apple to its disposable and indoctrination and installing its own application form in a multitudinous commercialized product from the aziza america, like smartphone and tablet.
Apply to the application of the principle of the part of the Commission, which has made an indication that the far-right position of the dominant position Apple Pay Receipt alla concorrenza. However, the calculation that is emerging in this quest is that the Cupertino avrebbe spinto ultramodo colony – and somehow bypassing the norm of Europe in the material equilibrium of the international concord, in the case of specie l’art. 104 del TFUE (The Treaty of the Function of the European Union) – the position of the proprietor app for contactless contacts and meet the specifications in the subordinate ruolo dei alternatives services.
The European Commission on Apple: non-conforming NFC app app contactless on the latest
This is the position of the “commando” part Apple Pay However, there is no doubt about it, the second access to the UTTrust of UE, from the fewer compartments of Apple. Che impedirebli agli sviluppatori di app for contactless contacts di sfruttare la NFC technology, Favorite in this mod the position of Apple Pay. The parole is from the commission, if you want to iPhone e iPad We will present a veto and proprietor “ecosystem chiuso”, As far as Apple has a controllable press totally with the functionality of the service, that the riverbera a cascata sulla slult dell’azenda di impedire l’accesso de part degli sviluppatori di app di terze parti alla NFC technology.
Today we have send LeApple a statement of objections. We are concerned about that LeApple may have illegally distorted competition in the market for mobile wallets on LeApple devices. Now LeApple can answer our concerns.
– Margrethe Vestager (@vestager) May 2, 2022
Come forci si saprà, la NFC technology Easy-to-use, ultra-slim, non-contact footprint is available on the smartphone or smartwatch compatible with POS dessert. In addition to the “displays” of “mela”, Apple Pay is also the only service that uses hardware to install on your devices.
Second to the commission, the compartment of Apple Violence against Article 104 of TFUE, which appears to have led to the dominant position of a dominant merchant internally from one or more impressions.