(Pocket-Lint) – After years of negotiations, the trade giant is set to take flight later this year – but only in Lockford, California for now.
A StatementAmazon has talked about the aviation history of Lockford but we assume that the real reasons for choosing this location are primarily logistical.
Delivering by drone is not an easy task as it fights against tall buildings, weather and natural structures. From a quick search on Google Street View, Lockford seems to be one of the few places where there is very little way to change the altitude and, since it is in California, it is safe to assume that the weather is quite favorable.
Of course, security is one of the main concerns of any type of drone delivery; Amazon says it has “developed a state-of-the-art and industry-leading knowledge-and-avoidance system that will enable operations without visual observers and allow our drones to operate safely and reliably at greater distances to avoid other aircraft, people, pets and obstacles.” . “
Lockford’s Amazon Prime customers will have the option of being onboard, then they will be able to see Prime Air-eligible items in the normal marketplace.
After that, ordering an item works as usual and they will get an approximate arrival time and a status tracker.
The drone will then fly the package to the customer’s designated delivery location, hover at a safe altitude, and release the package before taking off again.
Amazon promises to share photo and video updates as soon as the scheme is rolled out, and we’re excited to see it implemented.
Written by Luke Baker.