The platform has been making comments for months Twitter New features will be added to the platform, something he mentioned about an edit mode and one of them CoTweets. The latter offers the possibility to invite another user, so that together they create a specific publication in a kind of collaboration.
This publication will be signed by both authors, which means that the name and profile image will appear in the title section and indicate that they are concepts combined into a single opinion. This in turn Tweets It will appear simultaneously on both profiles, so followers will have the opportunity to follow another creator they may not know.
To use CoTweet, Users need to create a publication, then look for the function option and invite the person they want to collaborate with. When the invitation reaches the person, he has to accept it for implementation, otherwise it is impossible Tweets Come together in the network timeline.
It is worth mentioning that the most privileged person is the person who initiates the publication, as they can change the method of sharing at any time, including who can answer. Also, if you delete the account for any reason Tweets It has also been removed from the person with whom you collaborated online
So far only a few have been selected who have been able to use the function, and in general there is still no specific date to launch it, as these tests may have to continue.
Via: Edge