It is not new that from time to time console servers have a crash, be it due to specific failure or completely down for maintenance. However, this rarely happens, but now PS Store Various video games have suffered from reports indicating download failures.
sony It is already known that this happens not only with stores, but with all online services, including downloading games and even streaming applications for watching series and movies. Patience is requested at this point, as the drop may last a bit longer than expected and also, not all users have experienced it in certain regions.
The important thing is that the company that owns the servers is already aware behind all this, so the engineers are probably already working on possible solutions. Even when you are reading the note, everything is probably working as if nothing happened, since sometimes the processes are longer or shorter, depending on the problem.
In related news PS Store. It is sure that the direction is most current in demand play station Withdrawn, it’s one that accuses them of monopolizing digital game sales DLC. If you wish to view the note, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: VGC