A new survey reveals which countries use mobile phones the most, revealing that more hours are spent on the device.
Mobile phones are increasingly present in our lives, which is perfectly reflected in research on the number of hours we spend on our devices each day. This is what it is about New research by data.aiwhich reveals Which country has the most mobile addicts?. Among the top three countries in the ranking, Exceeds 5 hours of screen time per day on average.
Specifically, the company analyzed data collected in the second quarter of 2022. Contrary to what was initially thought, the number of hours spent on mobile phones has increased. 2020 has not abated even after confinement. Moreover, smartphone usage is high in some countries has increased significantly in recent months. Next, we go into more detail about the data obtained through this data.ai study
Among the most mobile addicted countries are Brazil and Indonesia
Using artificial intelligence, data.ai found out which countries have the most mobile usage In the second quarter of 2022That is from April to June. They have specified as well as finding out the questionable information How many hours a day do they spend on average? Users in this area.
Looking at the graph published by the company we discover that Indonesia, Singapore and Brazil are the countries where smartphones are used the most Every day. Average people of these three countries More than 5 hours passed Using the device application. For example, The average in Indonesia is 5.7 24 hours in a day, ie more than 20% of the whole day.
As we can see in the previous graph, the growth of mobile usage in these three countries has not increased at the same rate. The increase in hours devoted to the terminal has been particularly noticeable SingaporeWhich has passed in just two years 4.1 to 5.7 hours per day. On the other hand there are examples Brazil, where mobile usage fell by 5% From the year 2020.
The increase in mobile usage is also reflected in this Number of countries where users already spend more than 4 hours a day. There are 13 in total: Indonesia, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Russia, Turkey, the United States and the United Kingdom. The case of Australia is particularly noteworthy.Whereas 40% more usage than what users did in 2020.
Mobile phone usage has increased by 40% in Singapore and Australia in the last two years.
Is it any wonder that people devote so many hours to mobile every day? Apps that get the most interest. The data.ai survey also reveals that, globally, Instagram is the most downloaded app From Q2 2022, Ahead of Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat. As expected, the list varies depending on the country we are in. For example, the most downloaded app in France is DocLib, while in Singapore it’s MySejahtera and in the UK it’s Bireal.
If you are worried about the excessive use of your mobile phone, you should know that there are applications that can help you control it. You will find them The best app to control when you use your mobileYou can download them for free.