In the world, weddings are some of the most traditional, with a cake, ceremony, party with live music, gourmet food and of course, the elegant clothes that the couple belongs to. However, there are people who want to break out of this established mold and this happened recently with a clean fan dragon ball.
known user tick tock as Charlizard7shared via social network the suit he will wear for his wedding, which is orange with touches of blue, clearly inspired by the dress. goku. For his part, he added kanji From “GO”, which Saiyan has worn in his costume for many years.
@charlizard7 Serious mode 🍾🎈🎉 #eldiamasfelizdemivida #Susheel #marriage #Goku #Kenyas #a pair
But that wasn’t all, as at the wedding dance, he shared that the couple’s theme song would be “My Enchanted Heart”, the opening theme song for the anime. Dragon Ball G. T. In the wake of this, their videos relating to the characterization have gone viral, with support from the couple, wishing them well at this stage in their lives.
@charlizard7 Don’t judge me band I know how to dance @edgar3104 #comotoyperro #Dragon Ball #boda #a pair #Swami #feliz #married #Couple
Matters relating to suits and dragon ball. Recently, a cosplayer from Mexico that gave life Android number 18 of work, a suit that surprised fans of the franchise. If you wish to view the full note, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: tick tock