New headache for Telegram, which forced a country to share some data from its users. But fear not, the action is associated with a specific episode and there is no risk to privacy
Among the world’s number one messaging platform, it’s impossible not to mention it Telegram. Its competing platforms WhatsApp continues to record staggering numbers, and above all connected to the many unique features made available to millions of users around the world.
The kind of success that doesn’t seem to want to stop. The Team of developers, which continues to work on churning out additional tools that may prove favorable to consumer needs. And what has emerged, from now until the end of the year We can expect more news In this sense.
Telegram, India has to provide some user data: This is why
Its last period Telegram Although it is characterized by other additional app information. As reported by the site TorrentFreak, in fact, Delhi Supreme CourtIn India, the company will be obliged Share details and data Some relate to users who have infringed the copyrights of certain digital content rights owners.
At this point, the messaging giant refuses to implement this action, especially for related reasons For privacy and freedom of expression.
The court did not take the same view, rejecting the defense thesis and ordering Telegram to comply with Indian law. In fact, the matter has been going on since 2020, when a case was initially filed Neetu Singh and from its publishing house, KD Camp.
Indian courts have asked attackers to provide information to block them forever. Until now, the company’s modus operandi has actually been to shut down channels that illegally share digital content. In doing so, however, users themselves have the potential to create a new one and to continue their activities in a short period of time. Which is why India is trying to dig deep to stop illegal activities. We will see how the situation develops in the coming weeks.