A “complaint” against WhatsApp by those who prefer to use Telegram as an instant messaging app is the fear of not having a secure, bomb-proof account. California’s application is also trying to dispel this cliché.
Mark Zuckerberg and the standard bearer of Matter are developing features that can assure its users, in the name of privacy, for 2022. See Secret Browsing. The possibility of hiding on WhatsApp while chatting has been in practice since the beginning of the year. It seems the time is ripe.
Otherwise, what’s inside WhatsApp beta, a feature called Who can see when I’m online?, that is, who can see (the user) when they are online. The functionality is in rollout, not everyone can see it, but those who have seen it and have been able to notice the great changes in the WhatsApp Store.
Other activations will follow in the coming weeks
WhatsApp Giving up the ability to hide online status from some (lucky) beta testers, to put it in wabetainfo: “Other activations will follow in the coming weeksThanks to the new privacy setting, people will be able to use the app in invisible mode by deleting the “online” string.
After a long delay, WhatsApp is finally rolling out the feature to some lucky beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta update for Android From the wabetainfo screen, checking if you can already hide your online presence is easy: just open WhatsApp Settings > Accounts > PrivacyIf you see “Last logged in and online”, it means that the feature is already available for your account.
“If the feature is enabled for your account – You always read on wabetainfo – Select “as you last seen”, so your online presence will only be shared with people who can already see your last visit: for example, if only your contacts can see your last visit, your presence will not be shared with non introduction; If no one can see your last login, no one can see when you are active on WhatsApp“That’s not it.
As evidence of the intense activity of this super 2022, WhatsApp is working in parallel with the news related to the desktop version, such as the recent possibility to modify already sent messages marked by some string of code in the application. Windows First, however, the incognito navigation function. It has been talked about for a long time, the moment of its definitive experience has arrived.