A leap for all iPhone owners has recently been taken by Waze. Among the most popular navigation apps, Waze has once again confirmed its attention to detail, bringing a series of news related to the latest iPhone update: iOS 16.
Its new version WazeDedicated to updating iOS 16 Available for the latest generation iPhone, it’s finally here. Let’s analyze, once again, the countless steps taken to become, according to many, considered one of the most legitimate alternatives to the Canonical Navigation app. First, change from the past Fluidity in user experienceWith more “buttery” animations and more. Waze Announcing that it has further optimized its service, fixed various internal issues and bugs, previously reported by its users.
In summary, The system will no longer force a reboot Because of multiple internal bugs, but actually, new Waze promises to be More stable than before. Current version, now the problem 4.87, so includes a series of bug fixes that plague usage and beyond. Full ad support is also maintained iPhone 8 And, of course, later, thus leaving behind the models released before 2017. Basically, compatibility includes all iPhones on which it can be installed. iOS 16.
What’s missing from Waze on iOS 16 (yet)
4.87 The version we are commenting and analyzing is now not final iOS 16. A few key aspects are still missing, incl Support for lock screen widgets iPhone – Available for Apple Maps, but also for Google Maps (soon). In short, a bug fix that gave the application a good clean, making it more stable and faster than in the past, but it’s not enough.
The Customization of some graphicsincluding those related Obstacle and speed camera warnings, is now more visible and clear for the driver. Waiting for the final version with possible lock screen widgets. In the meantime, we recommend you update the app to version 4.87, which is now available on the iOS 16 App Store.
🔴 Source: Waze