Only recently has MAG Interactive become hot QuizDuel with A fire of questionsThe mod is on and from today the quiz app will allow players to play the new version A solo adventure Down a path full of fall and Halloween decorations. To cross it, you have to answer different questions one after another from different sections. For double the fun, fall A solo adventure Ten paths instead of the usual five. that A solo adventure It is now an integral part of the event series and thus offers a change from the classic duels in everyday quiz life. that A solo adventure From 12th October to 9th November QuizDuelApp available.
For fans of the quiz event, it will be held for the second time from November 11 to 25 Quinter The quick-to-give gameplay is based on the swipe function of popular dating apps. There are only two possible answers, “right” or “wrong”, which can be selected by swiping left or right to reveal yourself in the ranking list.
QuizDuel i can free Apple App Store or Google Play Store will be downloaded. More information is available Instagram And Facebook.
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