Telegram has entered the Olympus of the most used messaging apps and since its birth in 2013, its rise has been significant, so much so that it is considered an alternative and now a real competitor to the very famous WhatsApp.
The instant messaging service, founded by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov, however, wanted to make an immediate exit from the Meta-owned app and offer users something different.
Among its features Telegram Exchange text messages between two users or groups, voice calls and point-to-point encrypted video calls, voice messages, video messages, photos, videos, stickers and any type of file up to 2 GB; Furthermore, it is also possible to send live audio/video and text to members joining so-called “rooms” through channels.
Telegram offers possibilities Schedule a message to be sent audio or text, and setting a timer to self-destruct messages once viewed by the recipient, as well as Delete the message for the recipient as well and change the text after sending.
Sparking discussions on news for remuneration on Telegram
According to reports on the web, Telegram was conducting an experiment New functions in the channel, That only provides the possibility of introducing visible posts for a fee. The news has been debated for days, and one giant seems to disagree.
He is not alone Elon Musk Want to monetize withbuy twitter, But it seems that Telegram is also willing to bear the cost of the service. And already in November, ads were introduced in the messaging app, but now there is talk of introducing a paid service. When it was leaked on the web, the platform continued to eCheck for an update that will affect postswhich will be paid between channels.
In practice, therefore, when a user receives a post, the words that Payment must be made by credit card to be able to view content. However, having already introduced paid content to some channels, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov himself contacted Testing on the iOS app has been suspended following Apple’s request. The reason is that this feature, according to the web giant, Bypasses the in-app payment systemAnd content creators will not pay a 30% fee for the money they receive for published content.
For his part, Durov did not mince his words, explaining that it was a Proof of Apple’s monopoly, and will try to offer other tools for those Telegram creators to monetize their content outside of the Apple ecosystem. (PuntInformatico Update).