Unbelievable news that will soon become a part of WhatsApp. A change has been made that promises to upend the normal use of the messaging platform forever
Working by its team of developers WhatsApp It’s all there to see. Over the years, the messaging platform has managed to build an unprecedented set of tools and features around itself. A huge effort, which allowed Mark Zuckerberg’s service to be publicly known Always as number one.
And the news certainly did not end here, on the contrary. The idea is to go and improve the application per desktop and smartphone, So that millions of customers around the world get the most out of the possibilities. According to what has emerged, among other things – it has a feature for purpose Distorted use of the platform.
Whatsapp, all details of latest news coming
Designed by its team of developers to publish the latest news WhatsApp Expert portal WABetaInfo has taken care of it. According to the latest discovered Version beta, Work is underway to allow the application to be ported to Android tablets as well But not only that, again according to the latest information, the developer team of Zuckerberg’s company will keep in mind to create a companion mode for smartphones as well. This way, users will be able to use the same account On two different phones.
In the latest beta, the testing of this last tool has also officially started for the delight of users. To open everything immediately, just go to the appropriate screen and see if there is a possibility to access the button “Connect Device”. If so, there is one QR code to scan to connect everything.
However, this is a feature only available in beta. If you want to download the latest beta versions now, you should Access the dedicated page and register. You will be able to download all the APK files, so that you can try out the new features thought up by the developer team Keep in mind that all kinds of bugs and errors can occur while in the testing phase. Think about it and, if so, Sign up for the dedicated program.