After 14 years on the market, and with plans for the future, Marvel Cinematic Universe It has become an entire industry. However, it all has to come to an end, and many are wondering when the MCU will come to a conclusion. Thus, Nate Moore, Marvel Studios’ Vice President of Production and Development, spoke on the matter.
In a recent interview on the podcast The City with Matthew Belloni, Moore was asked about the MCU’s possible conclusion. The vice-president of production and development did not have a clear idea about this, but he raised the issue If Marvel Studios didn’t acknowledge their presence in the industry, they would be able to create content for years. This is what he commented:
“I think it can last a long time. I think we have to continue… We can’t sit on our laurels. We don’t think we have the answer. We have to keep pushing the boundaries of genre and what we’re willing to explore. But to me, Marvel movies are just movies. Our source material is just… it’s like, ‘Hey, is the movie going to last forever on the book?’ probably
But they come… it’s cyclical, isn’t it? Things come back I think we can go for a while. We have so much great stuff in our work and honestly we can’t find room for it. One of the great things about Disney+ is that we were able to tell stories that we were like, ‘I don’t know if we’re going to be able to tell that story. And now, we’re like, ‘Oh, do we have another way?’ Because we don’t want to do ten movies a year. That’s going to be bad. Like Moon Knight. We’ve been talking about Moon Knight for a long time and it couldn’t be on the board because there was too much going on. But suddenly we have a secondary outlet where we can tell a cool six-hour Moon Night story that we wouldn’t have otherwise. And I think there are many more properties that we haven’t had a chance to count. So I think it could go on for a while, it’s always a long time. We certainly don’t think we’re done.”
For its part, Marvel plans to continue on its path until at least 2026. Once the multiverse saga ends, The writers still have hundreds of stories they can draw on to keep this universe moving. With X-Men and Fantastic Four properties in its possession, the sky seems to be the limit.
In related matters, Quentin Tarantino has revealed the Marvel movie he will be directing. Similarly, James Cameron criticized Marvel and DC characters.
Editor’s note:
Generally, hero movies, especially Marvel, are compared to westerns and musicals. However, today’s market is completely different from what we saw when these two genres failed. The only thing that can hold Marvel back are actors who don’t want to dedicate their lives to these projects or, as happened with Chadwick Boseman, can’t move on.
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