We are just two weeks away from launch Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, which will allow us to enjoy a PSP classic in a new generation. Thus, Square Enix doesn’t want you to forget about this installmentSo today its launch trailer has been shared.
At just over three minutes, the new trailer for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion It’s not only responsible for showing us more about the gameplay of this title, but it Important moments in history present us, And might as well offer spoilers for anyone who doesn’t know Jack’s story.
As you can see, this trailer isn’t afraid to tease some of the events that took place in the last act We can only wait and see if the conclusion is similar to the PSP original, or more similar to what is seen Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion It’s PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S will arrive on Nintendo Switch and PC on the 13th of 2022. On a related note, you can check out our first impressions of the title here
Editor’s note:
It’s very surprising that Square Enix has made the ending for so many people. This preview, while it makes it clear how spectacular the game looks, will surprise anyone who didn’t enjoy the PSP original and could spoil the experience for more than one person.
Via: Square Enix