Meta is still thinking about its main and most successful service, which is WhatsApp, which has been receiving a flood of updates for the past two months that cannot be ignored for a second.
We’re still drawn to more than just the cool novelty, which we think will keep all users of the green app glued to the screen, including us. But what features will win us this time?
It is impossible not to pay attention to numerous updates WhatsApp This day is accepted. There are so many that we no longer know what to do with, and interestingly some functions are still in beta; We will probably see something better soon.
One of these is the one that will allow us to talk to ourselves, to get rid of the boring method we have to create groups where we can be alone, where we usually send. file or gods song lyrics To be included. In short: they will now be just a distant memory.
Searching for a message has never been easier
After all, WhatsApp has always used yellow gloves with us, and will continue to do so with the new update that we will soon be able to install. But what options do we have access to? here you are All details And Know before you proceed.
Dedicated to research Messages by date, the same ones that will prevent us from searching messages one by one. In Direct Beta we will be able to find text not only by using a text string, but also by directly selecting the date the message was sent or received.
When we try to search the new WhatsApp, it will be enough to touch the icon with a calendar image and a magnifying glass. Date picker. And when we set the desired date, we need to press “Go” key to show the app sent or received messages.
A sensational novelty that we certainly can’t do without, but we’ll have to wait before we see it in full action. It is currently available the beta based on what we know it should reach the official version – that’s us – sooner than expected
During the wait, nothing will stop you from being more informed about its progress or launch prossime feature of WhatsApp, which obviously won’t wait as long as other cases. Will you be ready to welcome them with enthusiasm, or will you limit yourself by using only emotions?