Do manufacturers copy each other? This possibility should not be set aside, on the other hand it is difficult to distinguish a properly made replica from an original product. In today’s world, as we have seen on several occasions, it is possible to design more diverse devices in less time.
Xiaomi knows this too, which decided to create a unique device to enlighten us. It is an improved copy of an already existing device, and which, contrary to what we might think, will surprise us with just one glance.
Ratox looks beautiful It’s also a great device to buy, and we were taught that a long time ago. Design, attention to detail and technical features are able to make any item a real piece of jewelry to have at home.
And the situation improves if the companies we admire start moving into other industries, as they have apple Trying to release more MacBooks instead of iPhones over time. Cell phones will certainly not be lacking, but the rest of the devices will certainly be more.
A desktop PC signed by Xiaomi: it’s original
no xiaomi Away from this requirement, which decided to enter a new “area” of the technology sector by taking a signal from another device that already exists. This is not a copy, but an alternative and probably better solution; What did he do?
The company has decided to launch its first desktop PC, which will be followed by another similar device in the future. For the moment we know that there isHost Mini PCWhich is shown with a small form factor structure and a 100W XM22AL5X power supply, nothing is known about the rest of the hardware specifications.
Looking at the images, though, we realized that GPU support in a dual slot on a mini-ITX motherboard is low profile. A plate is configured on the body, at the front, at the rear, which shows the combination between them the key Windows And Letter M. Does this introduce a new function?
Be that as it may, sifting around the web it is possible to trace some information about the host mini PC brother. It should have a similar design Mac mini With an AMD Ryzen 7 6800H APU, a Radeon 680M RDNA2 iGPU, 16GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD. The cost won’t be far from $570, but it remains to be seen.