The third season One punch man This is one of the world’s most expected projects in anime now. Although the new chapters are confirmed long ago, we do not yet know when the Saitama and the company will return to our lives. Fortunately, It may change in the near futureThe
Although there is no official information at the moment, a new filtration indicates it The third season One punch man It will be the center of attention Animazapan 2025, Event which will be held between 22 and 23 March. Here, JC workers are expected to study this adapt, will publish the date of the specified premiere for the new chapters.
Now, it is important to mention that at this point, JC workers have no official information about what has been prepared to announce the third season of Animazapan 2021. However, Considering the location of the anime in this event, the announcement will probably be very important.
It is clear that the third season One punch man Will be available at one stage in 2025It’s just a matter of knowing when. In related issues, live action One punch man Survive Similarly, here you can see a progress in this anime.
Through: d0nut2x