Apple’s M4 is positioned as a new chipset that brings a big leap in performance and efficiency, as the company ditched the M3 for the latest iPad Pro models in favor of its successor. While the CPU differences between the two SoCs may be significant, different claims are made about identical GPU performance between the M4 and M3. Here we take a closer look at these claims and see if they are true
With a higher number of CPU cores, the M4 may only be able to achieve noticeable gains in processing power
Interestingly when Apple officially announced the M4, it ignored any comparison to the M3 and almost acted as if it didn’t exist. Instead, they focused on the M2 and found that the M4 offers a 50 percent performance boost in the CPU department, with a 10-core GPU that offers hardware-accelerated retina shading and hardware-accelerated ray tracing support. Unfortunately, when it comes to workloads without ray tracing, that’s it @negativeonehero Provides an in-depth look into the M4’s performance.
Share Performance Graph In terms of GPU performance, the M4 and M3 perform similarly on non-ray tracing workloads. Apart from this, prominent critic Dr JakerwanWhich has built its reputation through extensive testing of various high-end smartphones and chipsets, Chinese video sharing site Bilibili said the M4 will not improve graphics performance like the M3.
I currently expect the M4 CPU to provide this kind of performance. The baseline is M2 and the x-axis is power consumption.
As for the GPU, there seems to be almost no improvement in non-ray tracing workloads, but let’s wait and see.— Nguyen Phi Hung (@NegativeNehero) 7. May 2024
However, it notes that switching to TSMC’s second-generation 3nm process could improve power efficiency, suggesting that Apple may once again focus on increasing battery life rather than mere performance. On the other hand, we can’t immediately believe these people’s claims until we see some actual benchmarks and numbers. Likewise, our readers should take these rumors with caution and wait for further updates.
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