The biggest newcomer to the iPhone 14 will be the definitive ad notch, in favor of a duplicate frontal. Stanno spontaneously new indications to regurgitation
The year 2022 will be even more exciting Apple For those who want to save the top of the smartphone gamma. Samsung and Xiaomi This is exactly the style of governing the country that he has used in Portugal. Not this question, gli iPhone 14 sono già sulla bocca di tutti per diversi motivi.
Diversi rumors and indiscretions parlano infatti dell’addio definitivo al notch, the smashing bar that if you don’t have the superior part of the schermo and the front and back photo ID and face ID. Maybe we’ll be happy for this mini-revolution, but we won’t be able to complete the series. Always stand up to how many emerge in this quest.
Apple can only remove the iPhone 14 Pro
One of the most recent news reports that the latest report from analyst Ross Young. As far as I can tell, Apple is looking for a roadmap for it Remote reminder of the notch dagli iPhone. You can see it from the bottom of my heart Pro version, Mentor for the standard model aspirant of 2023. The idea is to implement it very carefully. Face ID dual holea solution that andrebbe a fastidiosa fascia nera with due to centralized nel panello frontale del melafonino.
In fact, it is possible that new piano dell’zienda will find its face IDs installed on Face ID directly from the display. For a little bit of this technology, we will not forget about attending 2023. At the moment there is no official arrival of an official response from Apple, motivated by any information emerging from the press.
The report by Ross Young is based on an anticipation that, since September, the pottery will change completely. The spearheads of the consumables that evaporate from the notch of the notch There may be allargato even models without Pro of the series. Non-refundable attendance information is required.