Here’s a hypothetical scenario. You consider yourself a model user in all matters of cybersecurity. You have an active, updated antivirus solution with a strong firewall, your operating system is patched with the latest updates and you run scans regularly to ensure that you’re never at risk. You also follow proper cybersecurity hygiene by maintaining strong (& different) passwords on all accounts and not sharing them everywhere.
Yet, one fine day, you get alerts for unauthorized access to your e-mail inbox and see unrecognized activity. It becomes quite clear that you have been the victim of a cyberattack. But how could something like this happen? Aren’t you on top of everything? The answer may lie in the humble router you use to access the Internet.
Routers – surprisingly dangerous
As we have discussed on the blog previously, we often underestimate the power of the router. As a central point for all your connected devices to connect to the wider world, the router is an extremely crucial device considering the fact that all sensitive data runs through it.
Router security becomes even more important when you consider the number of connected devices in most households nowadays. The average home may have multiple Smart TVs, gaming consoles, household appliances and cell phones which all use the router as a gateway to the Internet. If a malicious threat actor can intercept the router’s network or even hijack it, they may have access to all the data that is flowing from these multiple devices.
Does this seem threatening? If so, you should consider getting a secure Wi-Fi router that can protect all the connected devices in your house.
The Quick Heal Home Security advantage
Introducing Quick Heal Home Security (QHHS), the solution for all smart homes nowadays. Quick Heal understands that modern-day homes are now not just homes but entire worlds of information and has created a product to keep all that information safe. By deploying QHHS’s secure Wi-Fi router, you can add an extra layer of security between your smart devices and threats on the Internet.
A few ways in which the secure Wi-Fi router protects you are:
Protection for all devices
The hassle of having device-specific security is solved with one secure Wi-Fi router. Now, you no longer need to worry about updating and maintaining your different Internet-connected devices.
Say no to unwanted activities
If your devices perform any suspicious or unwanted activities, they will be immediately be blocked and you’ll be notified, ensuring you can check out any malicious activity.
Disable access to inappropriate content
If there are kids in your home, you surely wouldn’t want them to access inappropriate content on the Internet. Through Quick Heal Home Security, you can restrict access to unsuitable websites on your network, through any device.
Keep intrusions out
Every day, cybercriminals launch cyberattacks to infiltrate networks to create havoc and steal data. The secure Wi-Fi router keeps you safe from intrusions, giving you peace-of-mind when you or your family are using the Internet at home.
You decide who accesses your connection
With a plethora of other features, you are in charge of who gets to access your network. You can customize Parental Controls or set up Guest Networks, ensuring you have full control. This festive season, Quick Heal Home Security comes with a special offer where you can pay less and secure more.