An alternative to the splash test and automatic timer of the display: if it says “Screen Off – Widget & Tile” and is an app for Android that allows users to snooze smartphones with a simple doppio tap.
E ‘un’applicazione leggera and with an obituary simple and chiro: mettere in blocco The smartphone is a solvent doppio tap al display o, in alternately, transmit a function of dedication to insist control centerIf you want to use the physical test of speed and dover attend the automatic timer.
In the name of all this, “Screen Off – Widget & Tile”, On available free of charge Google Play Store ed è compatible with all versions of operating system Android a partile dalla 4.0; However, to be able to work with Android 8 Oreo or other earlier versions, it is necessary to consider all the applications and permissions. root.
From the Play Store, the app is presented as “Un widget invisibile that you agree to disqualify the scarecrow due to volts ”. Involuntarily, the sugar can be positioned by the widget if it decides and the altruist dimensione which is more advanced. Infine, come divevamo, è possibly even impostare un riquadro There is a rapid impulse to activate the function.
The widget is invisible and the reqadro nel centro di controllo
To impose an invisible widget, make love to a legged legion qualsiasi spazio libero The home screen: this is the point, a volta compares it menù dei widget, screenshot off the screen off the desired point. After all, at home, it is possible to remove the operation in place qualsiasi schermata.
To insinuate, inevitably, the function like requadro nel control centerè Necessary selection la modita matita From the requisitions of Requadri, the Requirements of Screen Off and Duncan trascinarlo nella posilta position.
The app for Android app 2 MB And, for some intuitive, this will help you find the smartphones that make this functionality functional, installing results that are intuitive and responsive. For all other things, it is possible scaricarla gratuitamente this link.