In the future, Google not only wants to be able to better report on battery status in the Android operating system, but will soon provide more details about memory. To do this, the Device Diagnostics app is being further extended and it is now discovered. This can help the user before the worst happens.
Of course, the memory chip’s death date isn’t set in stone. But the aging process can progress quickly, especially with intensive use. So that you are not surprised after a few years, life expectancy can be calculated. Android 15 wants to be able to output this value, treachery Latest source code.
Google devices report remaining memory life “with a granularity of 1 percent,” according to colleagues Other devices are slightly less accurate at 10 percent. So not every Android device will come with a very accurate number, you have to be aware of that. The innovation will likely start with Android 15 for Pixel devices.
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