Anonymous-affiliate joint Spid3r Belarus has claimed responsibility for the attack on its official website in retaliation for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.
The group has announced TwitterScreenshots of various websites associated with the state of Belarus, including the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economy are being published.
Also down were the websites of the Ministry of Education, the National Legal Information Center, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Customs Committee and the State Committee.
The tweet read: “Anonymous attacks have been launched against the Belarusian government for their involvement in the Ukraine attack. All their major government websites are offline. “
The hacker group, which was reportedly very vocal about declaring a “cyber war” against Russia Russia’s state TV channel has been hacked To broadcast a live stream from the Ukrainian front line last February.
Regarding the hacking of the Belarussian government website, Anonymous made the announcement on Sunday. At the time of writing, most of these sites seem to have been brought back online.
For instance, Belarus’s Ghostwriter group was suspected of conducting a phishing campaign targeting European governments last February for trying to facilitate the arrival of Ukrainian refugees.
Relations between the Ghostwriter group and the Belarussian government have never been confirmed, but there are other reasons behind the anonymity claim.
The country allowed Russian forces to assemble on its border before the Kyiv invasion (and retreat from there) and provided medical assistance to Russian forces during the invasion.
Anonymous is not the first person to take action against Belarus. In March, Czech-based multinational cybersecurity software company Avast suspended sales and marketing of its products in both Russia and Belarus.