33 D. This was another major piece of evidence. “Dough” “How to make cookie dough?” It’s a slang word meaning money, and the answer is: selling bread.
Notes about the creator
Hello everyone, I’m thrilled to make my New York Times debut today! I am currently attending Carnegie Mellon University, where I am studying music and mathematics.
I created this puzzle and submitted it in July and it was accepted at the end of September. This was the first unthemed puzzle I made, so I’m glad it’s getting published. My seed was 33 wide, the main seed, and 8 bottom, which I chose after deciding to connect the two keys in the middle.
I’m a big fan of stacking entries in the corner, as I’ve done in every section of this puzzle, and I’m glad I was able to fit in so many powerful entries. My favorite clues I’ve written are 12D and 30D; My editor favorites are the 56A and 33D.
Thanks to Frisco and Mom for solving this puzzle and Dad for helping with some clues! I hope everyone enjoyed it. Next level!
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